Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I have become a fan of comics since my son has been old enough to start liking certain superheroes. Anything Marvel is good in our book ;) We also watched The Adventures of Tin Tin a couple of weeks ago and we both loved it. While I was watching it I thought to myself, "I wanna be Tin Tin when I grow up." It was a great movie and now I want to buy the comic books. This is the life of a mother of a boy ;) I also stumbled upon a really cool blog: mrhipp.blogspot.com. His illustrations are awesome, I especially like his Avengies illustrations. I'm a sucker for quirky, and his art work won me over.


  1. When I was a kid, my english buddy had tons and tons of comics. We'd sit in his room amongst stacks and stacks of Marvel comics. We'd spend hours reading them then acting out the action with his immense collection of action figures. I will say reading all the comics ruined me for most of the movies. In fact I hated the X-Men movies since they were nothing like the comics. The X-Men First Class though is much truer to the roots(plus Michael Fassbender is uber hot). DC Comics are ok, I'm more of a Marvel fan. And on that note, I was really saddened that Marvel was bought out by Disney. Its like the beginning of the end.

  2. we like marvel better than dc also. and ricky thinks fassbender is uber hot too, lol. i want to get the Tin Tin comics too. we went to the comic book store a while ago and stocked up on some comic books, reegan seemed to really like them too.
